GWHS Clubs

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George Wythe Has Many Active Organizations in the School and the Community


The George Wythe Advanced Choir is a national award-winning mixed choral ensemble. Membership is by audition for grades 9-12. The repertoire is chosen to represent a wide range of historical periods and styles. Music theory, sight singing, and vocal techniques are emphasized to promote musical growth. Students are encouraged to participate in enriching activities outside of school including attending live music performances and auditioning for All-County, All-District, and All-State Choral events.

Drama Club

Drama Club is an organization for any student interested in the performing arts. Whether one has interests on the stage or behind the scenes, we have a spot for you! To join the club, attend the first meeting, pay your dues, and POOF you're a member! However, to remain a member, you must attend all meetings, participate in a fundraiser, and fulfill some role by participating, for example, in acting or publicity for the plays. Come join the fun!


DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Is DECA for you?

1. DECA members are ambitious, high-achieving leaders equipped to conquer the challenges of their aspirations.

2. Recognizing the benefit of service and responsibility to the community, DECA members continually impact and improve their local and broader communities.

3. DECA members are empowered through experience to provide effective leadership through goal setting, consensus building, and project implementation.


The ECHO is our school yearbook. The advisor Mrs. King invites students from all four grade levels to participate in the design and production of a school yearbook, highlighting the students of the school and chronicling the events and activities that have occurred at the school within the last year. This is a credit-bearing course, and students are admitted to the staff on an application basis only. Please see Mrs. King for an application.


FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is extremely active at GWHS. FBLA is a diverse program that allows students to participate in community service, fundraising, field trips, projects with businesses, traveling to different places, conferences, workshops, scholarships, and competitions where members can win trophies and compete at the district, state, and national levels. Members can run for office, at local, district, state, and national levels. FBLA is a great way for you to meet new people and experience rewarding moments outside the classroom.

The Mighty Maroon Marching Band

Student Council Association

Student Council Association (SCA) has for its purpose to provide leadership and service to the student body in all aspects of student life and to assist the principal and faculty in carrying out the school’s activities. Officers and representatives are elected annually.


Interact is a service club at GWHS. Interact International has a membership of over 250,000 youth in more than 11,000 clubs worldwide. It’s one of Rotary’s fastest growing programs. Interact’s name is a combination of the words international and action. Interact’s global youth network is dedicated to the community and international service.

Advisors for Interact GWHS are Coach Harner and Coach Blankenship.



The Mountain Academic Competition Conference (or MACC) is an academic competition consisting of matches formatted much like team Jeopardy. Each match consists of a round for each of the five different teams (English, Math, Science, All-Around, and History) and tests the skills of the teams on each subject. Matches in a season are generally played until every school has a chance to compete against all others, at which point they will all face off in a tournament. GWHS boasts the best English team in the conference for four years running. If you are looking for a challenge, then joining one of the MACC teams is certainly a place to start. See Mr. Shelton if you are considering joining the English team. Mr. Copenhaver is the head of the science team. Mrs. Ferguson pulls double duty as the social studies and all-around coach. Mrs. Davidson rounds out the team as the math coach.


The FFA is an active student organization that encourages agricultural participation in America. It is the largest vocational activity at GWHS. The club participates in competitive events such as horse and livestock judging, tractor driving, and machine shop application events in order to experience the agricultural lifestyle. The club also offers leadership opportunities like the state and national conventions. Many students enjoy the challenges that officer roles provide. To be considered for office, a student must have two years of service invested in the club, have participated in after-school FFA events, and maintained a GPA of 3.5. In order to become an active member, a student must be enrolled in an agriculture class for at least one year. Dues for this club are $20.00. FFA members strive to set goals to educate students about how agriculture can enhance everyday life.

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