Click following Link for PDF version - New GWHS-SMMS Traffic Pattern Info

GWHS/SMMS New Traffic Pattern Information
On Wednesday, November 6, SMMS students and staff will start school at the new building. As both SMMS and GWHS will be a part of one campus, there are changes to how students will arrive and depart from school each day.
Bus riders will be dropped off and picked up on the library side of GWHS / at the front of new SMMS.
Middle school students will enter and exit through the main SMMS entrance.
High school students will enter and exit through the side doors near the library.
Middle school students in high school classes at the end of the day will exit through the doors near the high school library.
Afternoon drop-off times may be earlier than normal.
SMMS students who will now need to ride a bus will need to contact the office for bus rider information.
Drop-off and pick-up vehicles must enter from Spiller Street. See purple star on map.
Students will be dropped off and picked up at the back of campus at the cafeteria. See the pink star on the map.
Middle school students enter and exit through the middle school cafeteria doors.
High school students will enter and exit through the high school cafeteria doors.
Vehicles will exit through the center lane of the front parking lot and leave campus onto Reservoir Street. This is an exit only for student drop-off and pick-up. See the orange star on the map.
Please be aware of student drivers entering and exiting the parking lot.
Vehicles may not start lining up in the afternoon until 2:45pm.
SMMS students who plan to start walking to school, must bring a parent/guardian permission note to the office prior to walking to and from school.
Middle school walkers will enter and exit through the main SMMS entrance.
GWHS walkers will continue to follow high school protocol.
Student drivers will continue to park in assigned areas. It is very important that everyone follows the new traffic pattern guidelines in order to maintain a safe and orderly morning and afternoon routine.